I’ve been creating these energy paintings for the last two years or so and I have come to know that it is important for me to deeply feel them and allow the healing to heal me first. Makes sense right? I really didn’t know that that would be how it would work when I started out.
Recently my intuition has been talking louder and louder, poking at me to fully express what my energy-infused paintings mean and how they can help others. Oh, how I have resisted. I can be somewhat bashful with this type of thing. Since my resistance persisted the Universe started using other people to say it to me. So in the last couple weeks I have had three different people say that to me.
In the following paragraphs you will read about my journey with the energy-infused paintings. I am calling this painting “Royal Values”. As I write this I am quite in awe with what has unfolded as I created this painting.
I never exactly plan what energy vibrations will be in my next painting, they just come to me and then somehow magically the perfect subject matter appears with it. This particular painting I was guided to infuse the painting with value of self. I didn’t know exactly know what it meant when I started out. This particular image of a peony was quite intimidating and then add to that, it was four feet wide.
Value Time
I do start out with an energy intention, but as I paint, I learn lessons along the way that deepen my own healing on the issue at hand. My first lesson was to value my time. Many times during my painting sessions my phone would ring. Many times I will answer because I am valuing the caller more than my scared painting time. I could feel myself wanting to answer but Istayed steady and continued painting. It is quite a disturbance when I’m channeling and painting to be interrupted with another’s energy. I learned to honor and value my own time.
Value Intuition
As it is a large painting, it took several weeks to create. I grew impatient so a couple days in a row I forced myself to paint 7-8 hours a day. I did this even though I could feel the fatigue. The painting became very laborious and the painting quality suffered. I later had to go back and fix those areas. The next few days I wasn’t able to paint. I was wiped…meaning I was very weary and had no gumption to continue to work on the piece. I know my lesson was to value my own inner voice.
So in the days following I didn’t paint, really couldn’t paint. I did other things in my life that I had set aside. I considered them unimportant or stated another way, they held no value for me. Boy, was I wrong. As an energy light-worker it is important I have the clearest cleanest energy possible.
I had things in my life that were tolerations. Things that wereslowly driving me crazy and mucking up my energy. First I tackled my kitchen. Every single time I opened the door to my pantry I was bugged not fully aware of the subconscious annoying conversation going on in my head. After the pantry was all cleaned up,my energy felt clearer, but I still wasn’t ready to paint.
Value What Feeds You
Next I tackled my patio. I’m a huge plant lover. Spring in Texas had started in February and there were many projects that whispered to me every time I time I stepped outside. Nagging thoughts like: re–pot this, make this work, clean this out, etc. I dug in and started the work. The whole time my ego voice was screaming at me to stop and laying a guilt trip on me. I worked and worked until all the little projects were complete, so I could feel complete when I stepped outside and no longer have the un-done projects disturbing my peace. My plant babies were happy and I was happy. As I was working another value lesson was emerging. I began to value my green thumb and my ability to create beautiful spaces. I also became aware how much my plant babies feed me and always have. I ignored them and did not recognize what value they added to my life. This is one way I fill up my well.
Value Divine Timing
Weirdly, I still wasn’t ready to paint. So it was time to send out for a life-line. I texted a trusted light-worker and pondered my procrastination even though I loved what was happening on the canvas. She texted back two words: Divine Timing. Yet another thing in my life I was devaluing. God’s timing. I allowed the words to wash through my body. I was to trust and value the Source that moves through me and enables me to create energy-infused art.
NOW I was ready to go back to the canvas. It flowed. The love, the joy and the ability to be present so I could infuse while painting. I felt clear and it felt effortless to paint once more.
After it was done, I wondered will the energy healing “work” for others. I had a friend stand in front of the painting and stare at it for awhile and then have her close her eyes. I asked her what she felt. She felt a swirling around the throat chakra. When the swirling finished she said she could feel a clearing of some sort. Wow!
I researched what the throat chakra represented. The colors associated with the throat are often blues, deep purples and aquas. Wow! I say wow because noneof this was planned. The throat chakra’s emphasis is on expressing and projecting the creativity into the world according to its perfect form of authenticity. The throat chakra is about the expression of yourself, your truth and the purpose in life and creativity.
So how does “Value of Self” tie into the throat chakra? I used to think that the solution to a problem was the complete opposite of the problem. For example, in this case, if the problem was the inability to express one’s own purpose and authenticity then the solution would be to talk more, express more, be more, right? I tried that; it doesn’t work. This is like putting lipstick on a pig. You have to get to what is causing the problem to begin with.
But now I’ve come to understand that there usually is a seemly unrelated antidote or solution to heal something. In this case, it was to value thy self- royally! When one can truly value themselves they are fueled with the ability to fully express. If you don’t value yourself you can’t project your true authentic purpose or true authentic creativity out in the world, can you?
Watch this quick video about this painting, click the link below.